The journeys we take are for a reason...whether we realize it or not they have a beginning and middle and end but we never really know when or where we are.
We only know that our main journey started when we attained cognizance of who we are at that moment. We want to believe that we are in control of our lives and our surroundings, that we are masters of our domain. But we are not nor will be masters of this world. We are merely caretakers and co-habitants here. We have a divine purpose that compels us to act within and without malice to assist Gaia and heal that rift between us and nature. We have done a great disservice to our home and we can no longer allow it to continue.
To continually pursue a mastery of something that we can never control is pure folly and will lead to further ecological disasters. We have lost touch with reality.
We have lost our way.
Gaia is calling to us but we do not hear. The winds are reaching for us but we dont feel them. The trees are quivering, but we dont see them. The animals are running away, and we dont care.
We need to care or it will be too late. There is not much time left. We need to choose. Renew ourselves with our Earth or try to master it. Think about it. Now
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